Thursday, November 20, 2008

Queries, Books, Thanksgiving, and Personal Marketing

My continuous battle in query hell has, I think, paid off. Thanks to all my fabulous fellow writers at Absolute Write and their impeccable wisdom and talent of shredding things to pieces in a nice way, I've finally manifested a worthy query letter. It's less confusing (I think confusing is easy to do in high fantasy) and is just so much more . . . better! Not that my original was horrid or anything, but it just wasn't as concise nor conveyed things in a manner that didn't make someone who had no idea what the story was about blink several times. Let's just say it could've been worse and leave it at that.

Be a Hero, Buy a Book!

There is my random announcement for the day. What's on your "To Buy" list and "Christmas Wish" list?

Here is what I have so far, and I'm accepting suggestions:

To Buy List

The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls [I've been having a memoir idea in my head for some time now and not only did I hear this was a good read, I'm hoping for some inspiration.]

Alex and the Ironic Gentleman by Adrienne Kress [Though I also have a YA/MG plot idea in my head, I want this book for the pleasure of reading it and to support my fellow friend and writer :) ]

Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte [I know, sad I've never read this. Figured it was about time.]

The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame [Another classic I've never read.]

My Christmas Wish List
[I plan on buying if I don't receive them as gifts]

The rest of the Twilight series I don't have:

Eclipse and Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyers

The Demon King and I by Candace Havens [I so want that dress on the cover! Not sure I could pull it off with my 7 month belly though, hm.]

Hell Week by Rosemary Clement-Moore

The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger

And, based on your lists, I may just add some more to mine. My appetite for reading has grown a lot lately since I've crawled out of my cave of perpetual writing and revising. Though I'm glad I'm done with my manuscript, I'm itching to start another one but figured I need to take a vacation and read before I get sucked back into my cave.

As for some news on my freelance content, for anyone interested in some holiday articles, or those of you have youngin's, or those of you who are just plain bored, check them out.

Planning a Christmas Party this year for you or your kids? Here are some great idea's for kids and adults (yummy recipes!). Spend some extra time with your kids this Christmas season with some of these ideas. Introduce your preschooler(s) to the story of Christmas with this lesson plan. Everything about Snowmen and Gingerbread Men!

Still stuck in Thanksgiving? Try these crafts or lesson plans to wrap up the turkey season.

Okay, I'm done marketing myself now. *impish smile*

So on top of your book wish list, what are your plans for Thanksgiving this year? I'm going to my husbands families for the first time (we usually do my family for turkey day). I love 'em to death, but must admit I'm going to be mopey and disappointed. They serve chicken stuffing for their main course and not turkey. To me, it isn't Thanksgiving without turkey!! So I told husband he's going to have 3 Thanksgiving dinners next week. One at his families, then on Friday I'm roasting a turkey, and on Saturday when we visit my mom I'm more than positive she'll be serving ham or turkey or some sort of fancy food. We're also visiting Grapevines Christmas on Main Street. I'd like to take Averie to a Thanksgiving Day parade one day. I've never been to one either. I can only imagine what'd it be like! I only have movies to compare the experience to.


  1. Hey Christa,

    Glad to hear that the torments of Query Hell are finally behind you. :) Though now Synopsis Hell awaits.

    Query Hell has been useful to me as well. Even though I've never posted a query there, just reading other people's queries itensively was helpful in tweaking mine to the point where it got partial requests.

    Best of luck to you when you send it out!
